Living Savvy Episode #4: Vicky reveals her secret dream

Vicky doesn’t seem to let an opportunity pass her by.  She is focused on her career, her family and achieving financial independence. But does that mean she hasn’t taken time out to pursue her own dreams?

The power of a dreamboard in Vicky’s words…

“The drawing at the end [the mudmap of her dream life] and the beautiful picture of what I wanted it to be, made me focus on that more. So, whenever I would do things I wouldn’t worry so much about how to get there, I would see whether they were of benefit to the end goal.”

Is there anything missing?

Vicky reveals her secret dream is to pursue a creative project, aside from all the practical concerns and business goals. She’s acknowledges that she already has support to pursue her dream, and realises that the missing piece is giving herself permission to devote time and energy to a different path, for herself.

What lies ahead in Vicky’s living savvy journey?

Jo challenges Vicky to write a story that captures her pursuing and living her dream. Sharing your dream takes a certain level of courage and breaking through the fear barrier by articulating the details of your dream, writing it down and sharing with another person, is a powerful exercise. Writing a story is a very real step towards achieving the dream.

What can you learn from Vicky’s coaching session?

  • Share your dreams, make them real and live them everyday
  • Don’t let your responsibilities to others hold you back
  • Push past the initial fear and resistance to explore what you really want

What next? 

Watch Living Savvy #5: How has Vicky’s life changed?

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